Tag Archives: Katraj Dairy

in India vending machines dispensing milk

12 Apr

The sprawling of vending machines is an ever-growing trend found in both developed and developing parts of the globe. Dispensing anything from pharmaceuticals, cigarettes, sex-relate items, clothing, books, dvds, the vending machine core-business remains that of food and beverages in all its variation. I just read in a Springwise report about a new venture from a forward-thinking dairy company in India. Since my latest visit to Inalpi (read post here) I have found myself quite intrigued by the complexity of the dairy market and the supply/demand forces that revolve around it. Katraj Dairy has just implemented a vending machine (ATM ‘Any Time Milk’) that dispenses milk and dairy products in the city of Pune in Western India. If this proves successful they have plans to install others throughout the region. As suggested in the above mentioned report, buying milk in India can be a time-consuming excercise if you have to stand in a queue at the local co-op or it can be costly if you opt for the milk man to deliver the milk at your home. To the busy IT-workers of Pune, these ATMs may just come as a welcomed addition to the vending machines offerings.