Tag Archives: commodity

coffee supply likely not to meet demand

30 Mar

Next time you shop for coffee take a closer look at the price, odds are that the recent increases in coffee beans prices have already been passed on to the end consumer. Just like oil, coffee is another commodity that has seen a considerable spike in prices lately and we may not have reached the peak yet. As the NY Times reports, it seems that global warming is to blame for diminishing crop yields in coffee producers countries like Brazil and Colombia, this last one being the hardest hit. Their South-East Asian counterparts, like Indonesia and Vietnam, have also reported reduction in yields, whilst African producing countries seem to be enjoying a slightly better outcome. Not enough though to meet an increasing global demand for coffee, which thanks to brands like Nespresso that have built an image over coffee connoisseurship it’s not likely to come to a halt anytime soon.

Watch the video on the Colombian coffee crisis by the NY Times here