Tag Archives: Aldi

Aldi gains ground with latest artificial colourings ban

27 Apr

Headquartered in Germany, Aldi positions itself as a ‘no frills’ discount supermarket chain with a global presence from Europe to the US to Australia. Whilst shopping at Aldi’s isn’t much of an exciting visual experience (as you see in the picture products are left in boxes or often pallets parked along the aisles), its reputation has grown for good value for money when it comes to staples like food, beverages and household items. In Australia, polls have recently shown Aldi gain grounds against the local distribution giants like Woolwoorths and Coles when it comes to customer satisfaction. No doubt that with its latest announcement of total artificial colourings ban from its entire food product range, Aldi has scored another point against its competitors. You have to consider that the discount chain’s product offering is mainly home branded, except for a few other mainstream brands, therefore they have complete control over almost every SKU. The move towards healthier eating options is primarily targeted to parents and family associations, in a country where children’s eating habits are very much on the public opinion’s agenda.