Report from a Barramundi Fish Farm Visit in Singapore

28 Sep

Just a few weeks ago I was in Singapore for two days as part of one of my usual business trips to South East Asia.

Initial trials proved that farmed fish species like Barramundi (I reviewed it a few posts back, read it here) still relatively unknown in most of Europe especially Southern Europe, could have a good response with our clients. Therefore a visit to a Singapore based fish farm who could potentially become our supplier was a must-see during my last trip to Asia.

We reached the tanks after a short jet boat ride. I was quite surprised to see that the busy life of a commercial port like Singapore was unfolding just a few meters away from the fish farm and yet the water looked quite pristine. Also captured in the images, the tedious job of the farm workers giving antibiotics injections to every single baby fish. Fish farming is usually conducted in a high-density environment, therefore antibiotics are needed to prevent the spread of infections and disease.

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